Amid NFL 2023 Draft Fever, Shaquille ONeal Recalls Isaiah Wilsons Chad Momma Who Gave a

While the 2023 NFL draft fever catches the football fraternity, some past antics have resurfaced, leaving the internet in splits. The NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal shared one such moment on his Instagram story where a mother of a former NFL star created an awkward situation by kicking her son’s girlfriend out of the frame, who was trying to soak up the 15 seconds of national attention. You guessed it right! It was none other than Isaiah Wilson’s mom, Sharese.

The incident was pure gold, and the Twitterverse actually named Wilson’s mom the real MVP. She stole the show with that instant snatch and invited netizens all across the globe to flood social media with crazy reactions.

Shaquille O’Neal reignited the old flame

On April 27, the NFL draft 2023 streamed live from Kansas City, and a total of 31 picks in the first round were selected. For players, it always happens to be a surreal moment—getting drafted on the first day and becoming a subject of national discussion. Likewise, the No. 29 overall pick from the 2020 NFL draft went viral after a super mom intervened to clear the shot.

It was the first-ever online draft conducted in the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic. The Titans exercised their first round No 29 pick on Georgia star Isaiah Wilson, who played as an offensive tackle for the team.

All that hard work and perseverance bore fruit, and he appeared quite ecstatic as soon as the announcement was made. Somehow, the camera shot was blocked because his girlfriend, Grace, was sitting on his lap and hugging her fiancé.

Wilson’s mother didn’t let that happen, as she forcibly hooked Grace out of the frame. All these incidents were caught live on national television. It soon became a laughingstock and was cherished by NFL fans, who were anxious about the next picks.

Wilson and his mom addressed the issue later

Draft day happens to be a big moment in the lives of football players, and no one would like to ruin it. It is a memory for a lifetime, and what could be a happier situation than getting drafted in the first round itself? As soon as the video went viral, the former NFL star addressed the issue while speaking in an interview.

“At the end of the day, the draft was the biggest spectacle of the quarantine,” Wilson said, per Texas Wire. “Everyone was tuned in, waiting to get something to harp on to put on social media because people are bored,” he claimed.

Similarly, his mom clarified her motives behind that unexpected pull. “In our minds, we were just like, ‘The cameras are rolling, so let’s get everybody out of the way,” Sharese said. “What ended up happening is they were rolling when we were trying to clear out,” she added. Even after so many years, the moment still remains television gold and will continue to be, unless something bizarre gets caught on the cameras.
